Friday, July 10, 2015

Why Free Shipping Is Better Than Sliced Bread.

Soy Candles and priority free shipping go hand in hand.

Have you ever had the experience of shopping online, see an item that you love and just have to have it. In fact it is just perfect. The right color, the right size, the right style and the best part is it is the right price. You grab your wallet to get your credit card and wait for the check out page to load up so you can buy, only to see a different total you are being charged. Looking at your bill you see that the extra charge comes from Shipping and Handling!  

Shipping and Handling is a profit making technique for a lot of companies. The customer will many time get charged double even triple for what is referred to as shipping and handling. A customer buys a $5.00 item and gets charged $10. - $12.00 for  shipping, making an item that seems to be reasonable become quite costly. Another way this works is that you have to spend over a certain amount to get free shipping, holding the customer that only wants one or two items captive.
Free Shipping - Any Size Order

Papa's Candle Shoppe  does not play these games. We believe that what you see for a price on our soy candles is what you will pay at the check out page. Free Shipping is not only our policy but about 98% of the time it goes hand in hand with priority shipping. (candle orders under 13 oz. ships 1st class) This makes our customers very happy (just read our reviews) they pay the price they see on our soy candles with no extra or hidden fees and get their soy candles within two to three business days. 

I hope as the internet is becoming the place to do most, if not all of our shopping that more companies will take on this policy.  Remember that free shipping, is the next best thing to slice bread... Just ask Grandma. 

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